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and "Jupiter" -- not for
sale Below are direct links to the Astrophotography narratives: Astrophotography narrative -- " A Family Reunion" Astrophotography narrative -- "Rambling Through the Night Sky" See
more astrophotography at
"A Family Reunion"
So . . . here we were -- my boys and I -- in 1991, on a beautiful sandy beach at the tip of Baja California, living Grandpa's wish. After a complex site selection process (I "interviewed" an aging expatriate surfer) we located an appropriate stretch of sand (the only one with trees!) and camped the night before, magically "escaping" the Army, who had been located just down the waterfront from us. They were here to guard the Mexican President who had flown in for the event. (I knew I felt a "presence.") My sons and I had awakened to the songs of unknown tropical birds and as as the sun met the horizon to start the (rather significant) day we walked the beach, watched scurrying crabs, visually scoured the tidal pools for life and introduced ourselves to the local sea Iguana. As the morning progressed grant-funded University of Colorado Professor Dr. Wu and his entourage of snail-watchers appeared, along with two local families and a pair of lovers. This was the "crowd" we encountered on three-quarters of a mile of pristine tropical beach. What clouds had developed quickly moved off, the time moved forward, and we realized we were to witness Nature's Greatest Spectacle under crystal-clear skies. As the partial stages continued Dr. Wu informed us as to the snail's movements (I couldn't ascertain any movement whatsoever!) and the families lined up to take a safe peek through the filtered telescope. Soon,
just before totality, as a kind of gentle tension encompassed us,
the strange Shadow Bands appeared; (not unlike reflections of filtered
light through water) their images projected on the sandy landscape.
Then suddenly a flash, and there it was -- the "Black Sun"
-- covered by the Moon, with magnificent Prominences, (easily seen
with the naked eye) and the beautifully complex Corona, emanating
from the blackness of our giver of life. Dr. Wu forgot about the
snails. I shot photos and had the boys look through the telescope.
A local scuba diver surfaced to the darkness and howled in delight.
It was the most beautiful sight I had ever witnessed. Then, all
too soon, another flash and totality was over. We hurried to replace
the filters. Seth looked at me and said; "I want it to happen
again, right now!" We all felt that, I'm sure. I felt overwhelmingly
honored to be alive, and to have beheld this event. I had seen (with
my sons) what my Grandfather had observed three-quarters of a century
before (with his daughter, my Mother). It was truly nature's finest
moment, and a special sort of family reunion for us.
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